Ceremony Guide

Joel Bray
Giraaru Galing Gaanhagirri

Creation date: 2022

This multi-channel video installation depicts dancer and choreographer Joel Bray gently dancing on, and responding to his ancestral Wiradjuri Country.

Using a special technique for layering images together, parts of Joel Bray’s body appear to be covered with natural textures including water, grass and rock. By layering these images onto his body, the artist is communicating the close relationship experienced by First Nations people between body and Country. Giraru Galing Ganhagirri is a Wiradjuri expression meaning ‘the wind will bring rain’, carrying with it an understanding of the interconnectedness of nature, and the knowledge that one thing follows another.

From the Audio Guide

Artist Joel Bray on Giraaru Galing Gaanhagirri