
Listen to Ceremony artists as you move through the exhibition with this free Audio Tour. The exhibition extends into sculpture garden and out onto the lake.

Darrell Sibosado
Ngarrgidj Morr (the proper path to follow)

Creation date: 2022

Artist Darrell Sibosado on Ngarrgidj Morr (the proper path to follow)

Ngarrgidj Morr (the proper path to follow) is based on our ceremonial processes, and the stories, motifs and designs or patterns that have been passed down to myself and my brothers. It’s not really about the ceremony itself; what it’s about is the process of what it takes you to even get to the ceremony, which is a ceremony in itself. It’s a whole ritual, getting to the ceremony ground. It’s about the movement of people and your right to be part of that ceremony, or your position as part of that ceremony. It’s about everyone’s connection to it and where they belong within it. The three designs are about location (where you are), practice (what you do) and position (your individual place or status within the group), all combined to reveal the right pattern for you personally.

— Darrell Sibosado, 2021

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