Cressida Campbell

Join Cressida Campbell on a tour of her life's work including personal reflections and insight into her unique artistic practice.

In each room, the works are organised by theme and you can hear a description of these themes from Curator, Sarina Noordhuis-Fairfax.

Cressida Campbell is among Australia’s most significant contemporary artists working with painting and printmaking. Directly inspired by her surroundings, for over 40 years the Gadigal/Sydney-based artist has transformed commonplace experiences from her life into single edition prints and painted woodblocks.

Combining keen observation with a delicacy of line, Campbell’s woodblock paintings and prints capture the overlooked beauty of the everyday.

Through her views Sydney Harbour, bushland or her private spaces, the artist celebrates the transitory moments of life. This Learning Resource includes artists quotes, providing context to Cressida Campbell’s works of art, learners are supported to think deeply about the process of artmaking and artist inspiration as well as opportunities for reflecting on their own lived experiences.

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