Publication details

A man holding a mug stands talking next to a large drying rack full of paper and a table with a print laid out on it
  • Published on the occasion of the exhibition
  • Rauschenberg & Johns: significant others
  • 23 June – 30 October 2022
  • National Gallery of Australia
  • Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country
  • Parkes Place East, Parkes
  • ACT 2600
  • The National Gallery of Australia is an Australian Government Agency.
  • © National Gallery of Australia, artists, authors, and photographers. All rights reserved. Apart from fair dealing permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. No illustration in this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright owner.
  • Copyright for the texts in this publication is held by the National Gallery of Australia and the authors. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher. All artworks included in this publication in copyright are © the artist or their estate, unless otherwise noted.
  • The Gallery thanks the copyright owners for granting permission to reproduce works in this publication. Every effort has been made to contact the copyright owners and credit them accurately. Any omissions or errors will be corrected in future editions providing the publisher has been notified in writing.
  • A catalogue record for this work is available from the National Library of Australia.
  • Title: Rauschenberg & Johns: significant others
  • Author: David Greenhalgh
  • ISBN: 978 0 642 33497 8
  • Cite this work: David Greenhalgh, Rauschenberg & Johns: significant others, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 2022
  • First published June 2022
  • Project editor: Linda Michael
  • Head of Digital: Keir Winesmith, National Gallery of Australia
  • Digital coordinator: Brittany Burgess, National Gallery of Australia
  • Publication design: Distil Immersive
  • Production manager, Publishing: Penny Sanderson, National Gallery of Australia
  • Rights and permissions: Eliza Williams and Madison Du, National Gallery of Australia

Header image: Robert Rauschenberg during the production of the Stoned moon series at Gemini GEL, Los Angeles, 1969, digital file from black-and-white photographic print. Kenneth E Tyler Collection archive, NGA Study Collection. © photographer, Malcolm Lubliner