Lindy Lee: the making of Ouroboros
Online Workshop
Launching for National Science Week, join our educators live from your classroom for a look at the role of science and engineering in the development of Lindy Lee's Ouroboros.
Highlighting the technology and collaborative practice behind the making of Ouroboros, students are supported to think creatively and apply teamwork and problem-solving skills when making a work of art.
View Ouroboros through three focus areas:
- How science knowledge shapes artmaking methods and practices,
- The importance of creative thinking in science, and
- The role of collaboration in both art and science
Location and Duration
By request
Online, 45 minutes
Curriculum Connections
Learning Areas: Visual Arts, Science
Australian Art, Science and Technology, Sculpture
Curriculum content
Explore ways that visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials are combined to communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning in visual arts across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts. Investigate ways that visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials are manipulated to represent ideas, perspectives and/or meaning in artworks created across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts. Reflect on the ways that they and other artists respond to influences to inform choices they make in their own visual arts practice.
Examine why advances in science are often the result of collaboration or build on the work of others. Investigate how scientific knowledge is used by individuals and communities to identify problems, consider responses and make decisions. Explore the role of science communication in informing individual viewpoints and community policies and regulations.
Join us live online, in your classroom for a free online workshop, delivered by our Education team including experienced learning facilitators and artist educators.
This program is 'by request'. Select an AM or PM time slot on an available date. When completing your booking specify the best time for your class. Please book at least four weeks in advance.
For further information on programs, call +61 2 6240 6777 or email